#19. MJ’s Thesis — Competitor Analysis

4 min readFeb 17, 2020


A competitive matrix or Feature Comparison Matrix is an industry analysis tool that compares the characteristics of multiple brands within the market segment to identify their differences, strengths, and weaknesses. This information helps you uncover competitive advantages and identify opportunities to grow your business. A competitive matrix can be as simple as a chart that lists each competitor along with a list of their features and benefits. This competitive matrix chart is powerful because it helps you get a clear picture of where you stand compared to competitors in your industry. A Feature Comparison Matrix is a helpful tool for comparing each competing product’s capabilities.

FIG. 1.1 Competitor Analysis, Feature Comparison Matrix by Minjung Kim | Copyright © Minjung Kim, 2020. All rights reserved.

Figure 1.1 compares the availability of different features of various products of a similar kind topic. <hello,w> uses AR technology to provide young women useful resources from the professional industry, educational training through enjoyable games and face to face mentoring aspects via video communication targeting young women. It is easy to follow and use on mobile devices which are related to the user’s daily life and helps young girls to access the information they need and have more solid confidence. Considering retention usage for the product business is beneficial for both student users and mentors to build a safe community. Last but not least, VR(Virtual Reality) devices are too expensive for most people nowadays. A high-end VR computer can easily cost around $1,000. Therefore, mobile AR with the main idea of <hello,w> will be much affordable than the current offers in the market.


The Whole History (AR App): Location-based AR to show augmented female statues alongside existing male figures. Users can locate statues on a map and learn more about the woman’s contributions, as well as share their learnings with friends and family.

Lionness (AR App): Using tech to empower female talent. Google, Ogilvy, and the Unstereotype Alliance Create ‘Lioness’ App to Unite Ad Women Worldwide. The advertising industry is still largely a male-dominated space despite efforts to level the playing field from organizations such as The 3% Movement.

  • Have to contribute the stories and perspectives

HerStory (AR App): When users open the app and scan an image of a male historical figure in A History of US, Book 5: Liberty for All? 1820­–1860, the app unlocks a story of an important female historical figure from that same period.

Notable Woman (AR App): Notable Women is an augmented reality experiment that lets anyone see 100 historic American women where they’ve historically been left out: U.S. currency. Discover the accomplishments of activists, artists, scientists, business leaders, writers, civic leaders and more — right on the money in your wallet.

Reentry (VR): Melissa Teng presented her work on the participatory design process of an in-prison virtual reality-based curriculum for women preparing for reentry back into the community. We sat down with Melissa recently to discuss this work.

STEMRole (App): STEAMRole is a role model-based social network where students and aspiring young professionals discover top careers that match that interest and get inspiration and guidance from successful professionals with careers in science, technology, engineering, art/design, and mathematics.

STEM for her (Org): STEM for Her is focused on face-to-face championing programs and initiatives that foster enthusiasm and inspires girls and women to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and math fields of study. The Foundation offers financial support in a variety of ways as it works towards its vision of empowering women to change the world by excelling in STEM-related careers.

GirlsWhoCode (Org): Programs are free for all participants. Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does in person.

Prototype Progress

Again, accessibility is the key point of my topic. How might we give women access to the insightful content/questions?

  • Thinking about the device/touchpoint. Could an AR/VR experience be designed for a phone? (Thinking about women in underdeveloped countries who don’t have access to an Oculus, for instance.)
  • VR good to build empathy, but it isn’t affordable.
  • AR would great to allow young females to access the content.
  • Training / Cultivating empathy. (It’s not really something the in-person community does currently.)
  • Could an AR/VR experience be designed for a phone? (Thinking about women in underdeveloped countries who don’t have access to an Oculus, for instance.)
  • Lionness AR app is interesting to get useful information about female professionals in tech and reduce the gender gap with empathy.
  • Also, Melissa Teng’s project was empressing. She is a civic designer who designed a VR experience to help women re-enter society after being in prison.
  • Considering the whole user journey. What happens before and after the user opens the product?




A platform with AR games and mentors encourages young women to pursue engineering career paths